AI Home Automation with Semantic Kernel part 2: let's see some code!

AI Home Automation with Semantic Kernel part 2: let's see some code!

Welcome back to the second part of the series on Semantic Kernel! Last time we talked a bit about Semantic Kernel, what Plugins are and how Function Calling can help enhancing the results from the LLM we’re using. Today we’re continuing on that path and see how we can make...

5 minute read
AI Home Automation with Semantic Kernel part 1: introduction

AI Home Automation with Semantic Kernel part 1: introduction

When I approach something new though, I always have to have a practical application or a simple project to build with it, otherwise I will soon lose interest. Luckily, I recently moved to a new house and started messing with home automation. I am probably never going to build everything...

3 minute read
What's a Topic and how can we implement it using Azure Storage Queues?

What's a Topic and how can we implement it using Azure Storage Queues?

I really like Azure ServiceBus, it’s fast, reliable and really easy to integrate into a code base. But when I’m testing something out, or when I really don’t want to worry too much about infrastructure, I’d rather use something simpler, like Azure Storage Queues. They’re quite good for simple use...

4 minute read
How to generate Code Coverage for a .NET Solution

How to generate Code Coverage for a .NET Solution

I am a strenuous believer that a good code coverage is crucial for a project’s success. That of course doesn’t really apply to short lived applications, like prototypes or small apps that would be thrown away after a few days/weeks. But if you plan on keeping your creation alive for...

5 minute read