Videum 2.0 is here!

Videum 2.0 is here!

After almost one year, yesterday we pushed to production the new version of Videum ! It’s a major milestone, this time we started the entire application from scratch, writing a brand new ad-hoc CMS and moving from MSSQL to MongoDB. The search engine instead is based entirely on Elasticsearch, with some minor...

1 minute read
Case-insensitive queries on MongoDB

Case-insensitive queries on MongoDB

Short version: you can’t. Long version: well…. you can’t 😀 Or at least you can’t NOW, based on what is stated here : . If you really need case-insensitive queries one option is to create another field with a lowercase representation of the text, put an index on it and run...

1 minute read

Best portal 2014!

I have just been told that the portal Razorfish Healthware that I developed for the Agency won the Web Marketing Association’s WebAward 2014 as “Best Portal Website of 2014” 😀 Here’s the link to the news: Yay!

1 minute read
Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS

Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS

UPDATE: wonder how to do the same using React and NodeJS? Read here! One of the first issues I faced while studying/working with AngularJS was how to do pagination with data received from the backend. Assuming that all the real paging is done server-side, I “just” needed a way to...

2 minute read