Handling Integration Tests in a CI pipeline – part 1

Handling Integration Tests in a CI pipeline – part 1

Integration Tests are a fundamental block of every project. And as such, they deserve a special treatment in the CI pipeline. First of all, let’s make a clear distinction between unit and integration tests. We discussed already on this blog about this, but I would like to do a quick...

2 minute read
The perils of sharing state when writing tests

The perils of sharing state when writing tests

Sharing state is always a bad idea. Functional programmers have been using immutability for a long time now, completely avoiding the perils this can bring. For all the others that for one reason or another keep going on with the good ol’ OOP, this is an hard lesson that needs...

4 minute read
Bad test coverage results? No worries!

Bad test coverage results? No worries!

Yesterday I stumbled upon an “interesting” bug in the code coverage tool. In case you’re generating it (and I strongly encourage you to), please make sure you’re satisfied with the results. At work by policy we have to ensure at least 70% of test coverage. However in one of my...

2 minute read